

Previous events

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Evening on the London Eye - 22 June 2017

We took over three pods on the London Eye for two 'flights' with drinks, canapés and old friends. As well as the best view in London, we enjoyed a short talk in each pod from one of our academics: Paul Whiteley from Government dissecting the UK's 2017 general election, Liam Jarvis from Literature, Film and Theatre Studies on the capital's thriving fringe theatre scene, and London's History - both light and dark - from Tom Freeman in History. 

Around the world in 2016-17

We travel the world each year to bring you events near you whereever you are in the world. In 2016-17, we held receptions, networking sessions and informal gatherings for alumni to catch up with old friends and make new ones in: Limassol in Cyprus, Athens, San Francisco, Beijing, Tokyo, Bangkok, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, Hong Kong, and Yogyakarta and Jakarta in Indonesia.

House of Commons 2016

24 June saw us return to the Palace of Westminster for our Alumni Experience Event, this time in the House of Commons. And what a day to visit the home of British politics as the results of the previous day's EU referendum were announced. Almost 200 alumni attended from throughout the UK and Europe. 

Our Vice-Chancellor Professor Anthony Forster, gave an inspirational speech followed by a talk from our School of Government's Professor Paul Whiteley on the ramifications of the Brexit vote. Even the weather was great so we were able to enjoy to riverside setting in the Terrace Pavillion into the night. We've posted photos from the event on Facebook so please feel free to tag yourselves. 

Alumni Speed Networking Series 2015-2016

Since they were introduced, our Speed Networking evenings have proved really successful by providing an opportunity for current students to network with alumni. These are fast and fun events, giving students some useful networking experience and tips on building a career, and they give alumni the chance to share their experiences since leaving Essex. If you would like to get involved in future speed networking events, please contact the Alumni Team. Have a look at the photos taken at previous events or check out our speed networking video on Vimeo.

Southend Homecoming − 25 June 2015

We brought our 50th anniversary year to a close with a Homecoming event held at a very 'Essex' location - where else, but the end of Southend pier! This event marked the end of a truly fantastic year of events celebrating the University's last 50 years. Take a look at the photographs.

Mexico Alumni Event − 19 June 2015

The University once again hosted an amazing event at the Camino Real Polanco in Mexico City, exclusively for our alumni and students and hosted by our Vice-Chancellor Professor Anthony Forster.  It was a fantastic opportunity to meet up with old friends, hear about the plans for Essex in the future and attend the thought-provoking lecture on ‘Democracy and Human Rights in Latin America: Patterns and Explanations.’ See the photos of this event on the University’s Flickr pages.

Alumni Sports Weekend 2015

It was our biggest yet - and why shouldn't it, it was our 50th Anniversary after all! There were lots of activities across our famous squares, sporting opportunities for our returning alumni and our headline event, a talk by Welsh Rugby International Gareth Thomas about his ground-breaking career and his embodiment of the Essex spirit.  Check out the photos [Album 1] [Album 2] [Album 3] [Album 4] [Album 5] 

Founding Students’ Lunch − 17 March 2015

As part of the celebrations around our 50th Anniversary, we invited back out founding students for a lunch at Wivenhoe House, the once slightly dilapidated country house that, along with some wooden huts, comprised the University of Essex when they joined in 1964. The lunch, hosted by the Vice-Chancellor Professor Anthony Forster, brought together old friends who reminisced about their time at Essex, some of whom were interviewed for a special feature in our Essex Effect magazine.

Read the article about our Founding Students' lunch on page 16 of the latest edition of Essex Effect.

South East Asia Tour − 30 January-4 February 2015

The Alumni team accompanied Vice-Chancellor Professor Anthony Forster upon a whistle-stop tour of South East Asia with alumni reunions in Hong Kong, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. The reunions were a tremendous success with over 100 alumni attending to catch up with old friends over drinks and canapés, network with other alumni and take the opportunity to chat with the VC. Photos of each event can be viewed on the University's Flickr pages.

Colchester Castle Alumni Experience Event − January 2015

Thanks to the team at Colchester Castle, we held a fantastic Alumni Experience event at the newly refurbished Norman keep, the largest in Europe. We had the help of some of our academics who were on hand to tell guests things they may never have heard before about our rich local history. Take a look at the photographs of our Colchester Castle event on Facebook. 

Greece Alumni Event − November 2014

The Saint George Lycabettus Hotel, Athens played host to our latest alumni event in Greece, and was a very successful affair! Check out the photographs on Facebook

Cyprus Alumni Event - 12 November 2014

The Alumni Team returned to Cyprus to host an amazing event at the Lemon Park, Nicosia. It was a chance to relax, catch up with old friends, network with other alumni based in Cyprus and share memories of Essex. 

Essex Alumni Sports Award Reception - 2 May 2014

Presented by our Registrar and Secretary, Bryn Morris, the Essex Alumni Sports Award 2014 was awarded to Matt Roberts, Head Coach of the Colchester Gladiators American Football Team, for his outstanding contribution to sport since leaving Essex.  See the photographs of the Sports Weekend 2014 on the SU's Facebook pages. [Album 1] [Album 2] [Album 3] 

Essex Fund Reception - 6 March 2014

We held a reception at our Colchester Campus showcasing Essex Fund projects of the last few years. Alumni and guests were able to see first-hand the projects that their support has benefited, and met some of the students involved. Check out the photos on Facebook.

Alumni Speed Networking Series

Our Speed Networking evenings have proved really successful.  They are an opportunity for current students to network with alumni and following on from our inaugural event in February 2013, we have held speed networking programmes in each of the subsequent years. These are fast and fun events, giving students some useful networking experience and tips on building a career, and they give alumni the chance to share their experiences since leaving Essex. If you would like to get involved in future speed networking events, please contact alumni. Have a look at the photos taken at previous events or check out our speed networking video on Vimeo.

House of Lords - 27 September 2013

Following the great success that was our first ever House of Lords Reception in December 2012, we held our next event on Friday 27 September 2013, with over 160 of you attending from as far afield as the US and Mexico. Our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Anthony Forster, gave a very entertaining and inspirational speech. Also attending was alumnus, honorary graduate and Speaker of the House of Commons, the Rt Hon John Bercow MP. We've posted photos from the event on Facebook, so please feel free to tag yourselves. We’ll be hosting another event at Parliament in 2016 so look out for your invitation.

We've also held alumni events during 2015 in:

  • Paris - 31 January 2015
  • Vilnius - 4 February 2015
  • Dublin - 11 February 2015
  • Madrid - 5 March 2015
  • Bucharest - 14 March 2015.